Thursday, April 23, 2020
Unemployment Questionnare Essay Example
Unemployment Questionnare Essay Your Main Employment Activities and Characteristics 18605 Q. 1 Were you engaged in any work or activities for pay or profit during the last week for at least one-hour? Yes (Go to Q. 12) No Q. 7 Why have you been unsuccessful in finding a job? more than one option possible) There are not enough jobs There are jobs but you dont have enough information about available jobs You dont know the right people; employers hire through their friends and family You dont have the right skills You dont have enough education You dont have experience You dont do well in interviews You are living too far People discriminate against you because of .. Wages are too low Other, Specify Q. 2 Were you engaged in any work which was not for pay or profit (such as building your house, planting crops, raising livestock for own consumption), during the last week? Yes No Q. 3 Did you actively seek work as an employee or self employed person during the last week? Yes No (Go to Q. 11) Q. 4 How did you seek work during the last week? Wrote Letters Applied in Person Friends and Relatives Government Employment Exchange Private Employment Service Tried to Start Own Business Other, Specify No Answer Q. 8 If you cannot find the type of work you are looking for would you settle for other work? Yes, any work Yes, but only if I get the same or a higher wage or salary Yes, Other No Q. 5 How long have you been without work and seeking work? We will write a custom essay sample on Unemployment Questionnare specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Unemployment Questionnare specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Unemployment Questionnare specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Since Your Last Job Since You Left School Other, Specify Q. 9 What is the lowest monthly wage that you would accept for a job with a 40-hour work- week? EC$ Q. 10 If you were offered a job how much time would you be willing to spend traveling from your home to work? With private transport: Q. 6 How long have you been seeking work? Weeks Complete the question using only one or of either weeks, months or years : : hours/mins hours/mins With public transport: Does Not Matter Months Years Go to Question 43 Page 2 of 10 Section 1: Your Main Employment Activities and Characteristics 18605 Q. 11 Why didnt you actively seek work during the last week? Does not want paid employment as you are: At school/college/university A homemaker Not ready to enter labour force Receiving income from other sources Disabled Temporarily disabled Other I am looking for paid employment but: I am awaiting result of application(s) I did not know where/how to look There are no jobs so it makes no sense to actively seek Other reasons for not actively seeking work: Please specify.. No answer WHEN DONE GO TO Q. 43 Q. 15 What type of agreement do you have with your employer? Written, indefinite contract permanent Written contract for No written contract; accepts work daily/weekly/monthly Contract only for this work assignment Special contract as an apprentice Other .. Q. 16 Are you satisfied with the type of employment agreement you have with your current employer(s)? Yes (Go to Q. 26) No Q. 17 Why are you not satisfied? Job security Lack of protection/ No Trade Union No social security You are being moved around too much Q. 12 How many hours did you actually work in your main job during last week? Hours Q. 3 What is your position in your main job? Employee Apprentice Employer (having paid employees) Own Account Worker Unpaid Family Worker Other Capacity (Go to Q. 18) Confusion about who the employer is Low wages Other TO CONTINUE WITH EMPLOYEES, GO TO Q. 26 QUESTIONS 20 TO 25 are only for the self-employed Q. 18 Where is your business based? My home On the side walk of the street or public space In a formal market place On an empty lot As moving vend or As a taxi/bus driver In a fixed, formal specialised business premise As a water taxi operator On the beach 10 Other Q. 14 Which of the folowing best describes your work situation? I work at my employers business place I work for a sub-contractor who has assigned me to one of his clients I work for a sub-contractor who assigns me to different clients I work for businesses through a private employment agency I have a contract with the business for which I work at home I work for several employers Other Page 3 of 10 Section 1: Your Main Employment Activities and Characteristics 18605 Q. 19 How many paid employees do you employ? Number Q. 25 Why are you not satisfied? more than one option possible) Income insecurity Lack of social protection/insurance No support from the government Low income Harassment by Other, Specify Q. 20 How many unpaid family workers do you employ? Number Q. 21 Please indicate the Government or Social Insurance Institution where you have registered your business. (more than one option possible) Inland Revenue Department (tax) The office responsible for licensing in your area o f business The National Insurance Corporation (NIC) Registrar of Companies Other, Specify.. Q. 26 How long have you been in this job or operating your own business? Weeks Months Years Complete the question using only one or of either weeks, months or years Q. 22 Which Government agency have you registered your business in order to access funding or other support? (more than one option possible) James Belgrave Development Fund National Research and Dev Foundation National Skills Development Center Ministry of Youth Social Services Delivery Ministry of Agriculture Transport Board Ministry of Tourism No, I have not registered Other, Specify. Q. 7 Apart from your main job, did you do any work for pay or profit or operate a business during last week? Yes No (Go to Q. 33) Q. 28 How many other jobs did you have? Number of jobs Q. 29 What is the total number of hours you were paid for last week, in all your jobs (including all paid leave)? Hours Q. 23 Have you registered your business with any non-Government agency in order to access funding or other support? Yes, Please Specify No , I have not registered Q. 30 Do you want to work more hours in addition to the time you are already working? Yes No (Go to Q. 33) Q. 31 Why do you want to work more hours? Q. 24 Are you satisfied with your current position as a self-employed person or working in your family business? Yes (Go to Q. 26) No Page 4 of 10 Section 1: Your Main Employment Activities and Characteristics 18605 Q. 32 How many additional hours per week would you want work? Number of Hours Q. 37 What type of help did you receive? Y/N Help Job counseling Training in attitudes and/or skills to apply for a job Vocational training Y=1 N=2 Rate effect Q. 33 What type of business activity is undertaken at your place of work/your business? Q. 34 What kind of products or services do you sell or are produced at your place of work/your business? Referred to special agencies that provides help to start your own business Other No answer Q. 35 How did you get into your current employment? (more than one option possible) Wrote letters Applied in person Friends Relatives Govt Employment Exchange Private Employment Service Started own business Other, Specify No answer Q. 38 Would you advise someone seeking work to approach such an agency? 1. Public: 2. Private: Yes Yes No No Q. 39 Which of the following statements, about what matters when seeking work, is the closest to your experience? Rate effect You need some relative or friend to open doors for you Rate Information about vacancies is most important You have to be aggressive and constantly apply to every vacancy You must present yourself positively to the employer Need to have qualifications Q. 36 What was your experience with each of the methods you tried? Method Writing letters (Go to Q. 39) Applying in person (Go to Q. 39) Friends and relatives (Go to Q. 39) Govt employment exchange Private employment exchange Tried to start own business(Go Other (Go to Q. 39) to Q. 39) Need to have experience Other (please specify) 1=Very true; 2=True; 3=Might be true; 4=Not true; 5=Definitely untrue No answer (Go to Q. 39) Page 5 of 10 Section 1: Your Main Employment Activities and Characteristics 18605 Q. 40 Did you ever seek the help of a special agency to start your own business? Yes No Not seeking to start own business (Go to Q. 43) Q. 43 Do you have any suggestions on how the unemployment problem of young people could be solved? 1. Q. 1 Which agency did you approach? Name of the agency/institution: 2. 3. Q. 42 What type of help did you receive? (more than one option possible) Help Y/N Y=1 N=2 Rate effect of help Q. 44 In your view, who is responsible for taking action? Business Planning Financial assistance Business management training Marketing assistance Individual business counsel Export assistance Q. 45 What is the highest level of education t hat you have attended? Educational Level None (Go to Q. 47) Grade/Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Assistance with networking Primary School Secondary School 1 2 3 4 5 Other 1=Extremely helpful; 2=Helpful; 3=Little effect; 4=No effect; 5=Waste of time; 6=Other Technical College/A-Level University Other, Specify.. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Page 6 of 10 Section 2: Your Educational History 18605 Q. 46 What is your highest level of certification that you have received? 1 School leaving (e. g. Standard Six or Seven School Leaving exam) 2 Cambridge School Certificate Number of Subjects 3 GCE O Levels or CXC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 High School Dimploma/Certificate Number of Subjects 5 GCE A Levels 1 2 3 4 6 Under-graduate Diploma 7 Other Diploma Q. 50 For each course, please list the institution attended and the duration of the course: Subject/Name of Course Name of Training Institution Course Duration (in months) 1. 8 9 Not Stated 2. Not Stated 3. 4. 8 Associate Degree 9 Professional Certificate 10 Bachelors Degree 11 Post Graduate Diploma (Bachelors Half Content for a Masters) 12 Higher Degree (Masters or Doctoral) 13Other(pleasespecify. ) 14 None 15 Not Stated 5. Q. 51 Do you plan to get enrolled in any technical or vocational training? Yes No (Go to Q. 4) Q. 47 What is the highest level of regular education that you have successfully completed? Educational Level None Primary School Secondary School Technical College/A-Level University Other, Specify.. Grade/Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q. 52 Please list the training courses that you want to attend and the institution: Course Institution 1 2 3 4 5 1. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2. Q. 48 Did you receive any additional technical or vocational training that contribute d to your skill level? (Apart from that listed above. ) Yes No (Go to Q. 51) 3. 4. Q. 9 How many courses did you participate in? Number of courses: 5. Page 7 of 10 Section 2: Your Educational History 18605 Q. 53 What are the main reasons you want to attend these training courses? Q. 56 Please indicate what your usual employment situation was during each month of the past year? Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 = Worked as an employee; 2 = Operated own business or engaged in production for own consumption; 3 = Was out of employment and seeking work; 4 = Was out of employment and trying to establish a business; 5 = Was out of employment but not actively seeking work. Q. 4 Have you developed any skills as a result of your work experience, which can help you find a (new) job, start your own business or perform your curent work better? Yes No (Go to Q. 56) Q. 57 Did you ever have a regular job or other work from which you gained pay, profit or products for your own consumption? Yes (Go to Q. 61) No Q. 58 Did you ever try to find paid employment? Yes No (Go to Q. 60) Q. 55 What skills did you develop? Skill Years of Level Experience Q. 59 You tried to get employed as.. An employee An apprentice An employer (having paid employees) An own account worker (no paid Unpaid family worker . 2. Other capacity 3. 4. 5. Page 8 of 10 Section 3: Your Employment History 18605 Q. 60 Why didnt you ever try to find paid employment as an employee or a self-employed person? (More than one option possible. ) I never wanted paid employment because I am: At school/college/university A homemaker Receiving income from relatives Receiving income from alimony Disabled Temporarily disabled Other, Specify.. Q. 62 For each job you held, please list the following information (if you were always in odd jobs just list the different types of work). Kind of work Job #1 Period (Years) From: Reason City/ Country leaving job To: I want paid employment but: I did not know where or how to look There are no suitable jobs for me so it makes no sense to actively seek work I need some further training before I am ready for work Other, please specify. No answer For those who never sought work the interview ends here! Go to Q. 71 Job #2 From: To: Job #3 From: To: Q. 61 What is the total number of jobs that you have ever held including your curent job? You should include work as a self-employed person or as an unpaid family worker. Number of jobs Job #4 From: To: Year of first job Q. 63Please indicate the major concern(s) that you, as a young person, have/had as employee/apprentice: Safety on the job Health hygiene Abuse by foremen or other management Lack of respect from management Low wages Job security Trade Union representation No opportunities to learn gain experience No opportunities for promotion Other, Specify.. None Page 9 of 10 Section 3: Your Employment History 18605 Q. 64 Please indicate the major concern(s) that you, as a young person, have/had as a self-employed person? More than one option possible): Income insecurity Lack of social protection/insurance No support from government Low income Harrassment, Specify.. Q. 69 How long did it take you to find your first job after you left school? Months Q. 70 Why do you feel you the need to work or find a job? (If more than one reason, please rate. ) Reason I am the only income earner in my family Rate Age-related issues Problems promoting business Lac k of trust from formal institutions Other, Specify. None My family/parents cant sustain me We need additional income in my family My parents want me to have a job Q. 5 Did any of these concerns contribute to your leaving a job you have held or to you stopping operation of your business? Yes No (Go to Q. 67) I want to be independent Q. 66 How many times did these concerns contribute to you leaving a job or stopping operation of your own business? Times I need a job to get experience With a job I get my place in society Other Q. 70 Rates: 1 = Extremely important; 2 = Important; 3 = Little importance; 4 = Not important; 5 = Other. Q. 67 Were you ever out of a job and looking for work a period longer than six months? Please include your current unemployment if you are now out of a job and seeking work. Yes No Q. 68 Please list for each of these periods of unemployment the following information: Unemploy -ment Duration How did you find work? Q. 71 Without paid employment, how have you been able to support yourself and your family? Support from my parents Support from brothers/sisters Government support Church/Charitable support Period 1 Months Alimony or other family support Other, Specify.. Period 2 Months Q. 72 You have been unemployed more than once but found a job. In order of importance, what were the two most important reasons for your sucess? 1. Period 3 Months 2. Page 10 of 10
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