Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Hamlet Soliloquy Act 4 Scene 4

How all occasions do inform against me,/ And spur my dull revenge! What is a man/ If his chief good and market of his time/ Be but to sleep and feed? A beast, no more. / Sure, he that made us with such large discourse,/ Looking before and after, gave us not/ That capability and godlike reason/ To fust in us unused. Now, whether it be/ Bestial oblivion, or some craven scruple / Of thinking too precisely on th' event—/ A thought which, quartered, hath but one part wisdom/ And ever three parts coward—I do not know/ Why yet I live to say â€Å"This thing’s to do,†/ Sith I have cause and will and strength and means/ To do ’t.Examples gross as earth exhort me. / Witness this army of such mass and charge/ Led by a delicate and tender prince,/ Whose spirit with divine ambition puffed/ Makes mouths at the invisible event,/ Exposing what is mortal and unsure/ To all that fortune, death, and danger dare,/ Even for an eggshell. Rightly to be great/ Is not to st ir without great argument,/ But greatly to find quarrel in a straw/ When honor’s at the stake.How stand I then,/ That have a father killed, a mother stained,/ Excitements of my reason and my blood,/ And let all sleep—while, to my shame, I see/ The imminent death of twenty thousand men,/ That for a fantasy and trick of fame/ Go to their graves like beds, fight for a plot/ Whereon the numbers cannot try the cause,/ Which is not tomb enough and continent/ To hide the slain? Oh, from this time forth,/ My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth! (IV. iv. 4-68) After everyone exits leaving Hamlet along with the audience, his true emotions and thoughts comes pouring out. Hamlet is saying how his view of the world points out that all of his actions are wrong and a constant reminder of his inability to complete his revenge for his father’s murder by his uncle. Then points out that a man that only sleep and eat is nothing more than an anime but rather a man is meant explo it all of their senses and utilize for more meaningful pursuits than rather simply to survive.God did not give humans the ability to comprehend so they can ponder about the past and future and that those that are not used, the ability will slowly disappear. Also Hamlet reveals his thought of how he is alive when the deed he set out to accomplish is not completed even with all the desire and strength he has to accomplish the deed of avenging his father’s death. Another point that is revealed is Hamlet’s perspective on how an army goes to war over a worthless piece of land and make a mockery of the battles over that land.Then the soliloquy reaches its climax, Hamlet gives respect to the soldiers that are willing to sacrifice their life in battle for their kings honor and the honor of their land yet Hamlet has not taken action for his own personal honor regarding his father, his mother, and the state of Denmark where he is the known prince. At the end, Hamlet vows to thin k about nothing but his violent and bloody revenge for his father’s death against his uncle, Claudius and that any thoughts that is not violent is not worth thinking about.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Expository Essay †Breastfeeding Essay

As parents, our main goal is typically to raise happy, healthy children. Do you know the ultimate start to a child’s optimal health? The very first thing a mother can do for her child is something that will provide more health benefits than most parents know, all throughout their child’s life. This one decision that will give your child the best start in life is very simple; breastfeeding. Breastfeeding has numerous physical and psychological benefits that it provides an infant. These benefits are often greatly underestimated and under-emphasized. There are many details that go into enforcing the fact that breastfeeding has been proven to be the optimal nutrition for infants, and these details are crucial in encouraging mothers to do what is ultimately the best thing possible for their children. Because of the incredible physical and psychological benefits breastfeeding provides an infant, doctors and medical organizations around the world have declared breastfeeding as optimal nutrition for an infant. One important factor of breastfeeding is breast-milk is specifically formulated for each individual infant by each mother. The composition of breast-milk is constantly changing to meet the changing demands of an infant. Breast-milk contains the exact amount of nutrients and antibodies that each infant requires for good physical health. Moreover, breastfeeding has been proven to strengthen an infant’s immune system and prevent illnesses and infections, extending this protection throughout the child’s life. In addition, breastfeeding has also shown to provide many long-term psychological benefits to infants. Breastfeeding promotes a healthy bond between mother and child and helps to instill trust and security in the infant. Also, breastfeeding offers long lasting mental health benefits and has even been linked to some intellectual advantages. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, exclusively breastfeeding (relying only on breast-milk for nutrition and not supplementing with formula or solids) for the first six months of life will provide an infant with all the proper nutrition they need, while also providing the infant with antibodies and immunities. Breast-milk contains the right amounts of nutrients that infants need to thrive. Human breast-milk is made up of two types of proteins, whey and casein. Approximately 60% is whey and 40% is casein (â€Å"What’S In Breast Milk?†, 10/2011). The major concern with formula here is when it contains a higher amount of casein, causing it to be much more difficult to digest. Additionally, breast-milk contains fats that are important to an infant’s development, while also providing the right amount of carbohydrates, mainly, but not limited to, lactose. Lactose fights off unhealthy stomach bacteria while improving the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium (â€Å"What’S In Breast Milk?†, 10/2011). Breastfeeding provides an infant with all the nutrition the child will require the first six months of life. Breast-milk alone is enough for the infant to rely on in order to meet nutritional requirements. Equally important, a mother’s milk also contains the right amount of antibodies and immunities designed for the infant. Thanks to the proper nutrition provided combined with a healthy amount of antibodies and immunities, breastfeeding has been proven to prevent illnesses and fight off infections . A mother’s milk is specifically designed to meet all needs of the nursing infant. Breast-milk contains antibodies that are passed on to the infant that help to fight off infections and illnesses. Furthermore, a nursing infant also receives certain immunities from the breast-milk. These immunities are not only valuable in helping to fight off infections and prevent diseases, but also help the infant to better respond to immunizations the child will receive throughout the first few years of life. In conjunction, these antibodies and immunities are key to warding off infections as simple as ear infections to illnesses as severe as SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and childhood cancers such as Leukemia. In the same way there are physical benefits from breastfeeding, there are also some psychological benefits as well. The bond and security between a mother and child is usually increased in a nursing infant than in a formula fed infant. The skin-to-skin contact offers infants a stronger emotional bond to their mothers and also enhances the bonding experience (â€Å"Breastfeeding Vs. Formula Feeding†, 01/2012). This has shown to lead to better emotional and mental stability. Breastfeeding and this skin-to-skin contact has proven to release the hormones ser otonin and oxytocin in both mother and child, which only encourages a stronger sense of security and trust, an important part of the emotional bond between a mother and her child. Breastfed children are also more protected from mental health and addiction problems that may occur later in life. Breastfeeding has also displayed a higher IQ score later in life in babies who were breastfed than in babies who were formula fed, especially those of premature infants (â€Å"Breastfeeding and IQ†, n.d.). Additionally, breastfeeding has shown to be the smoothest transition for a child from inside the womb to the outside world. By breastfeeding, the mother is offering the infant very important skin contact, which offers nourishment passed from the mother’s body to the infants, and this nourishment presents a sense of continuity from pre- to post-birth life. Thus, the infant is better able to understand that he is protected and that the mother is there to provide for his needs to adjust to the new world in which he is entering. Due to the unique bond breastfeeding enhances, it has been known to lower rates of infant abandonment. Another important fact about breastfeeding is its economic status. Not only is breast-milk readily available whenever it is needed, but it is also completely free of charge, not only to parents but to government as well. Moreover, breastfeeding also offers parents and government decreased healthcare costs. Many infants are formula fed when they could easily be breastfed. Unfortunately, many of these infants are born to parents who receive some form of government assistance. Alongside the health benefits breastfeeding offers, there are many economic benefits it offers as well, especially in regard to federally-funded programs assisting parents and infants. PhDInParenting (2009) found that, â€Å"In 2001, the USDA concluded that if breastfeeding rates were increased to 75 percent at birth and 50 percent at six months, it would lead to a national government savings of a minimum of $3.6 billion (and this only considered a few of the health benefits of breastfeeding, not all of them)†. Additionally, according to WIC (Women, Infants, Children), financially supporting a breastfeeding woman costs about 45% less than supporting a mother whose child is formula fed. Five hundred seventy-eight million federally-funded dollars is spent annually to support formula fed infants who could be breastfed with no complications. Due to the increased health benefits breastfeeding provides, it has proven to offer parents and government both decreased healthcare costs. Because it offers decreased health issues, breastfeeding ultimately saves money. It not only aids in preventing childhood infections and illnesses, but it also helps the mother with aiding in the prevention of many reproductive cancers, breast cancer, postpartum depression, and type 2 diabetes. Consequently, whether the parents have private health insurance or receive state aid, breastfeeding still saves money. Since breastfeeding increases the overall healthiness of a nursing infant, there are decreased healthcare costs because usually the nursing infant will not require as many visits to medical facilities as the non-nursing infant. Breastfeeding is also economically stimulating because breastfeeding mothers typically do not miss as many work days due to health related issues, whether they are concerning the mother or the infant. With that being said, it is clear that breastfeeding truly is optimal nutrition for infants. The benefits of breastfeeding are important factors in a child’s life, even excluding all the benefits breastfeeding provides the mother as well. It has been said time and time again, â€Å"breast is best†, and there is scientific reasoning behind that statement. With all the benefits infants receive, both physical and psychological, it is fairly cut and dry: the breast truly is the best. While formula is made to best mimic the nutritional value of breast-milk, it is still lacking in many aspects. Even more important, breastfeeding provides infants with psychological benefits that most medical professionals will argue formula just cannot give an infant. With the right resources and support system, many mothers can successfully breastfeed their infants. Unfortunately, a very small percentage will follow the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommendations concerning breastf eeding, which is why proper education on the physical and psychological benefits of breastfeeding are crucial in encouraging mothers to make the decision to give their child the gift of optimal nutrition.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Group Decision-making Technique in the Marketing Project Team Case Study - 25

A Group Decision-making Technique in the Marketing Project Team - Case Study Example More importantly, the project team would have employed a critical analysis technique in decision making. This means that the group members should have lost their individuality and the possible psychological intimacy barriers that would have existed among them and as a result give objective critique to the contributions of each member. Moreover, the project group should have come up with criteria for evaluating the decisions made (Chen and Kyaw-Phyo 37). This is important because it would have enabled the most creative ideas which were in conformity with the needs of the client company to be included in the final decision about the design and presentation of the advertisement. The technique of evaluation in decision making would have also helped the group to select the best idea through a group cohesion approach and equal participation in the evaluation and decision making. As a result, dissimilarity would have been achieved in the implementation of the decision. Collaborative communication would have been employed by the project team to ensure effectiveness and conformity of the marketing idea with the norms and needs of the client company. Active participatory communication should have also been used by the project team (Lee 210). This means that all members of the team should have been given a chance of communicating their idea elaborately and hence leading to the evaluation process. Participatory and collaborative communication should have been used by the group in the evaluation process so that the teamwork process would have cohesively reached the idea that was in conformity with the set criteria and purpose of the project. Because active participation in communication was not used, it was only Conner who had the chance of communicating his idea to the team. Derek was passive in the communication process and as a result, his idea of the advertisement was not presented to the group regardless of the fact that this idea was very congruent with the needs of the client and the image the company wanted to portray to the market.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Case Study Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Case Study Analysis - Essay Example es before advertising the position Change GovSource to a more efficient IT solution Restructure the recruitment process empower people to make some decisions without having to make consultations Introduction The following report identifies the following problems in the recruitment process. They include; untimely feedback from the interviewee’s referees, unreliable, Information Technology (IT) solution (GovSource), lengthy bureaucratic process, untimely feedback to interested applicants, limited empowerment of employees, pre-meditated prospective candidates by clients. These all contributes to making the entire recruitment process tremendously lengthy. ... 1.1 Approach The approach used includes the implementation of the recommended measures using a combination of strategies, for example, Six Sigma. The initial phase involves analyzing the current state of the organization in order to identify the problems affecting it. The next step is finding suitable solutions to the identified problems. Categorizing the problems on the basis of the departments affected proves to be the most suitable way of solving them. Different timelines allocated to the implementation of solutions also helps the organization prioritize. A review of the implementation costs is also done, in order, to help with the organization’s budgeting. Therefore, the team’s report integrates these approaches to come up with a single compact one which is easy to comprehend and follow. 1.2 Project overview After outlining the approach to be used, the team came up with a project overview. Their main focus of the entire project relies on the departmentalization of t he identified problems. Those, which seemed feasible, enough to be solved in the least time possible took priority over others. The time estimated for their implementation ranged between 2 to 6 months depending on the solution to be implemented. On the other hand, the long term measures identified by the team required more time. Their implementation required over 1 year for success to occur. They also relied on the availability of funds, for example, the changing of the IT solution to one which presented the organization with more options while offering maximum efficiency. This would, therefore, allow for progress in the improvement of the recruitment process of the organization. 1.3 Methodology The Six sigma

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Research Paper - Essay Example The underlying purpose of this paper is to try and study the main cause for this behavior among the youth and also research the main reasons that lead to such extreme behavior. With the growing levels of youth using self mutilating as a form of stress relief and a mode of coping with high levels of emotional distress, and the little literature that is available on this issue, this paper aims at contributing as much as possible to assist people with this disorder. The main purpose of the paper is to bring out the causes for this issue and to recommend ways to get over the self mutilating and self cutting behavior. The specific issues that will be discussed in the paper will include the reasons why adolescents go on to become self destructive and prefer to die than to live. Self Destructive here refers to a behavior where the individual tries to hurt themselves in an attempt to take control of their lives. The objective is to understand this behavior and to recommend a solution for the issue. The objective also includes attempting to assist people with the issue and to providing a path to help them realize their problems and find suitable solutions for the issues. The study will aim at highlighting the possible reasons why an individual moves into this stance in life and start to hurt themselves. This will be based on a complete secondary research and an attempt will be made to highlight the various thoughts that have been put forth in the past. The issue of self mutilating and self destructive behavior is one of the least understood and recognized issues. This however has been noted to increase at a staggering rate and the most affected by this fall into the adolescent groups. It has been studied that almost 750 to 1800 adolescents of every 100,000 exhibit this behavior (Suyemoto & Kountz, 2000). This contributes to almost 150,000 to 360,000 students of which 70% of them

How Virgin Atlantic Advertise itself in the UK and Los Angeles Essay

How Virgin Atlantic Advertise itself in the UK and Los Angeles - Essay Example For a large and successful organization like Virgin Atlantic, the company uses various modes of advertising depending on the location or place where it tries to target. The type of advertisements or promotional strategies used depends on the consideration of the cultural barriers, language, attitudes of people towards such factors like advertising, advertising regulations and media infrastructures. In Los Angeles, Virgin Atlantic mainly advertises through the radio, print advertisements and publications. The following figure shows some of the print advertisements used in USA by the company. Figure 1: Print Advertisements in USA (Source: Virgin Atlantic, â€Å"Print Advertisements†) The company has recently launched its second phase of its global advertising campaign in Los Angeles. This has been titled as ‘Get Local’. This campaign targeted the ‘out of home’ advertisements which included bill boards, train shelters, buses, etc that runs in the top gat eways in the US. This primary includes Los Angeles along with New York, Washington D C, San Francisco and Boston. This is a perfect picture of an adaptation strategy by the company as it not only highlights particular aspects of the upper classes flying experiences but also tailored to present certain nuances that resonate in the city in which they appear. The following is an example of an advertisement of Virgin Atlantic in Los Angeles. Figure 2: Example of advertisement of Virgin Atlantic in Los Angeles (Source: Virgin Atlantic-b, â€Å"GET LOCAL CAMPAIGN†) Following is an example of an advertisement used by Virgin Atlantic in UK. Figure 3: Print Advertisement in UK (Source: Virgin Atlantic-a, â€Å"UK Advertisements†) In 2003, Virgin Atlantic used e-mail marketing for the creation of a new standard of upper class air travel which had lie-down beds along with personal services in the upper class cabins. E-mail alerts were sent to the air travellers having a hypertext which directed them to the website of Virgin Atlantic. Under this system customers were able to take a complete look at the cabins which were introduced, the ticket options available and the check routes also. The idea was to attract the upper classes of passengers to pay for the premium prices by the exclusivity and comfort that the new cabins provided. Virgin Atlantics’ integrated communication schemes used membership schemes with benefits that enhanced the name of the brand considerably and helped in increasing the happiness and satisfaction of the customers also (Hackley, p.128). There are certain standardized marketing elements used by the airline for all places. These global marketing elements include its logo, brand value and distinctive airplanes. The brand value of the airline as â€Å"caring, honest, value, fun, innovative†, is found in all its communication and strategies. However, certain adaptive formats are evident in its accompanying international adver tisements where it tries to translate its brand themes in certain culturally specific ways and at the same time tries to retain its international image. For example, it tries to draw passengers from Los Angeles through its bright, luxurious and

Friday, July 26, 2019

3.2 Smithsons Holiday Tour Proposal Speech or Presentation

3.2 Smithsons Holiday Tour Proposal - Speech or Presentation Example The first date we will set to join the tour to Salvador before flying to Manaus. The location is classic, with a moderate pace and standard comfort. It is appropriate for small groups. At Salvador there are many activities that will be undertaken: On arrival at Manaus on day three, we will have the opportunity to experience the beautiful scenery of the metropolis jungle. The area keeps the picture of the golden times of its peak era during the rubber economic boom. It consists of restored monuments and restored buildings. The city is nestled in the forest and also offers exotic resorts and hotels a convention centre and state-of-art technology. The allure of the paradise is exclusive. The fourth day will be the launch into the Amazon rainforest. The Amazon rain forest is a top area of attraction and has several activities that will engage us. It is located in the state of Amazonas which is the largest in the Brazil region. It is an enormous tropical rain forest that is interrupted by a gigantic network of rivers. It is an elegant tourist destination that gives the exuberance of the jungle when exploring it in an economically friendly manner. On return to Cuiaba, we will commence our journey to explore the wildlife reserve at Pantanal. Pantanal in Brazil is the principal wetland in the whole world. Additionally, it is the best place to consider for wildlife tours in the southern parts of America. The wildlife includes among others monkeys, anteaters, giant river otters, the elusive jaguar, ocelots, anacondas plus approximately 400 species of fishes. The destination is heaven for the birders with a passion for the colourful parrots, large flocks of Jabiru storks. Precisely, more than 650 species of birds live in this location. Indeed, this is a superb destination for an individual who wants to view birdlife and wildlife. A visit to Foz do Iguacu will be

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Tortilla Curtain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Tortilla Curtain - Essay Example The increasing number of criminal elements in the neighborhood who create havoc by engaging in robberies such as the one that has left the Candidos with nothing to sustain their life, threatens to expose the immigrants’ safe haven to scrutiny by security and immigration agencies in the foreign land. In light of this potentially bleak future, Delaney’s character enables him to blend well within the society, at least temporarily. The cuts the image of a liberal individual with a clean driving record riding in a roadworthy Japanese car with unique registration details, before accidentally hitting Candido. My fear is that Delaney’s accident free driving record and his customized number plate, meant to attract the least of the public attention to his movements within the neighborhood seems to be compromised the moment his car rams Candido taking away his productivity. Delaney’s uncontrolled emotions also present a fearfully bleak future for him especially when he threateningly points a gun at Candido for causing a fire in the neighborhood. ... entially depicts the generosity of the owners of the food store and that of the donor customer towards members of the poor people in the neighborhood. The plot outlines the socio-economic and political gap between the higher-end and the lower-end segments of the society; and a concerted effort by some segments of the society to bridge it through business promotions and charity campaigns. (b) Even though the Mossbachers have secured an apartment inside the walled neighborhood with secure gates, they are depicted as having a fair share of their own unique challenges. The family is infuriated by the wrath of nature witnessed in the killing of one of their two pets by a coyote. Boyle’s narration of their agony in response to the dog killing incident is seemingly more unbearable to the couple than the suffering of fellow illegal immigrants, most of who are like the Candidos, who struggle to secure basic needs in vain (37). Candido and his pregnant wife are left with nothing after t he robbery incident, a situation that prompts them to scavenge at fast food shops. Question # 4 The US government’s deployment of millions of illegal migrants to various sectors to provide casual labor such in local farms, homes, construction sites, and food joints, and care facilities presents a moral dilemma as most of them fled their native countries due to unbearable socio-economic and political conditions. The resulting enactment of tough immigration laws that are aimed at excluding illegal aliens from doing government jobs has ethical repercussions as well. On the one hand, the aliens’ denial of government jobs in various sectors leaves them with the option to turn to fewer private investors and property owners for livelihood. The huge number of the undocumented aliens who run into

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Business Ehtics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Business Ehtics - Essay Example In an organization this is complicated further by the larger numbers of people involved. What might be important to one individual may not be so to others. As the textbook notes, â€Å"no one operates in a vacuum† (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell 126). Thus, many organizational factors influence the process as well. This can be factors ilke the corporate and ethical cultures, which affect how the organization views its â€Å"values, beliefs, goals, norms, and ways of solving problems† (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell 126). â€Å"Obedience to authority,† how likely employees are to obey, can influence the process by how eager employees are to â€Å"resolve business ethics issues by simply following the directives of a superior† (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell 127). Opportunity is â€Å"the conditions in an organization that limit or permit ethical or unethical behavior† (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell 127). These internal and external rewards can affect the process by making people more or less likely to act in a way that is ethical. For instance, if there is more of an opportunity to do unethical things due to a bad ethical culture, people will be less likely to make decisions

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ecological Footprint Calculator Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ecological Footprint Calculator - Assignment Example beef from a properly grazed cow can both be qualified as meat, but their production, development and preparation all have serious impacts on one’s ecological footprint. The quiz also lacked clarity at certain points. One question had to do with how much trash I generate. This question is easy to answer at first, but after some thought it actually becomes quite difficult. Do items recycled and composted count as trash? The quiz does not answer this question. Nor are there further questions relating composting and recycling. I can only cite the example of my own family. In our case, my mother would frequently refer to recyclable containers as trash, even though we used the environmentally friendly method to dispose of them. If other Americans use the same language as was used in my household, this particular question may produce skewed results and leave people with a very inaccurate perception of their ecological footprint. Ultimately the quiz does what it’s supposed to do. The Footprint Network is an organization designed to promote environmentally friendly lifestyles. It does this by giving you a result that projects your ecological footprint (however inaccurate it may be) and then listing ways you can improve your lifestyle to better the entire planet. However, it would be more useful for the website to give you a more accurate appraisal of your environmental situation. These are problems that could easily be fixed by introducing a new level of clarity to the questions

Monday, July 22, 2019

Treatment of Folk Illnesses Essay Example for Free

Treatment of Folk Illnesses Essay The world offers every people a chance to be sick due to some of the outside factors that can harm someone else’s health. There are hazards for the lungs like pollution and for the stomach which are the bacteria and microorganisms that are prevalent everywhere. Even with the body parts of a human being, one can already find some threats that can cause cholera or diarrhea in their faces or hands where there is staphylococcal party if not reproduction their colonies. Of course regarding some diseases, there are many classical methods that the old people think would help cure these hazards to health. There are also many documents that support the researchers’ views about the different ways our ancestors deal with their sicknesses before. Using the reference mentioned below, we can see that there are already developments in our ancestors’ way of thinking that they are devising strategies in order to cure their own illnesses by the naturally occurring cures that can be seen elsewhere then. Say, garlic is used to treat hypertension and oregano is used as an expectorant which I think is still effective until today. The concept of having a set of ready to pick and ready-made medicines gave the early people especially in Mexico that whatever disease they might be getting in the atmosphere or environment is curable and can easily be neglected after some time. However for this mind set, there might be some difficulties and disadvantages given that we already have technological diseases also. These conditions can be from the improvement and development of the facilities that we are using nowadays. The causes of disease in the present time are from complex matters such as chemical intoxication and suffocation due to the complexity of course of the activities we do everyday. These diseases might not be cured immediately by the set of the native way our old fellows treat their conflicts or struggles regarding their health. As what is already mentioned, the use of garlic as antibiotic is still useful. In fact the safety of using it was ranked with three positive signs, however, for extreme reasons, a bulb of garlic will not be enough to lower the blood pressure of a person. Hence, medical treatment is already needed in order to provide the patient the right medication and avoid the risk of killing him/her. For all we know, hypertension is also related with heart attack and some fatal heart disease. If in case there are some patients who got their diseases using the folk style of treating illnesses, it is still important that the doctor will have a set of explanations that will make the patient understand wholeheartedly that the old way of seeking for cure is not effective with their diseases. There should be some ready-answers so that the doctor will find it easy to make them understand and appreciate the modern way of curing. It will also be helpful if the doctor will be very careful of delivering the message to the patient not offending their traditions on using some herbs to medicate them. The patient in turn should be ready to accept the information a doctor might give him/her since he/she in the first place consulted or chose to seek for a doctor’s help. Health is an important aspect in a human’s life. It is a source of the driving force of every man that will enable them to pursue each day with joy and gladness. Folk style medication is as good as the modern medicine as long as people who use it understand how it works and how it is applied with every single disease corresponding to one substance or case. But as what many doctors say, it is really better to seek advice from experts who have already studied the concepts, what-about’s, how-about’s and where-about’s of different diseases. We might be harmed by the hearsays since the folk concepts are being transferred from a generation to another generation that there is a high possibility of misinformation and the like. It is a good thing we give attention to what our ancestors have given and developed, and good as it is, we are able to have doctors, scientists and nurses that modified, developed and improved our knowledge about our health enabling us to become healthier people. Reference Nancy Neff. Folk Medicine in Hispanics in the Southwestern United States. Retrieved 6 February 2008 from

Descriptive Words Essay Example for Free

Descriptive Words Essay Words Smile, grin, beam, smirk . . . Frown, scowl, glare, glower, grimace . . . Stare, gaze, gape, watch, gawk, ogle, look, examine, leer . . . Flinch, recoil, balk, cringe, shy away, pull back, wince, cower, shrink, tremble . . . Incredulous, disbelieving, skeptical, doubtful, dubious, uncertain, suspicious, questioning, vague . . . Quizzical, questioning, puzzled, surprised, perplexed, inquiring Interested, curious, involved, attentive, concerned, attracted, fascinated, engrossed . . . Sad, gloomy, cheerless, depressing, dark, dull, thick, dreary . . Happy, content, pleased, glad, joyful, cheerful, blissful, exultant, ecstatic, delighted, cheery, jovial . . . Scared, frightened, terrified, petrified, afraid, fearful, nervous, anxious, worried, timid, shy . . . Strong, burly, brawny, strapping, muscular, beefy, tough, fervent, intense, zealous, avid, eager . . . Coy, bashful, timid, modest, reserved, demure . . . Indifferent, apathetic, unresponsive . . . Remote, aloof, detached, distant . . Threatened, intimidated, alarmed, worried, anxious, troubled, upset, distressed, shocked, startled . . . Crash, thud, bump, thump, bang, thunder, smash, explode, roar, shout, scream, screech, shout, whistle, whine, squawk, blare, slam, stomp, stamp, noise, clap, bark, meow, moo, boom, yell, whisper, hum, snap, hiss, crackle . . . Taut, uptight, immobilized, paralyzed, tense, stretched, hollow, alarmed, strong, weak, sweaty, breathless, nauseated, sluggish, weary, tired, alive, feisty . . . Angry, resentful, irritated, enraged, furious, annoyed, inflamed, provoked, infuriated, offended, sullen, indignant, irate, wrathful, cross, sulky, bitter, frustrated, grumpy, boiling, fuming, stubborn, belligerent, confused, awkward, bewildered, empty . . . Angrily, anxiously, brightly, cheerfully, comfortably, curiously, delightfully, eagerly, enormously, excitedly, faintly, falsely, fearfully, foolishly, frightfully, gently, gracefully, gratefully, greedily, grumpily, helplessly, heroically, hungrily, impatiently, joyfully, kindly, luckily, magically, majestically, merrily, remarkably, splendidly, strangely, swiftly, unusually Afraid, fearful, frightened, timid, wishy-washy, shaky, apprehensive, fidgety, terrified, panicky, tragic, hysterical, cautious, shocked, horrified, insecure, impatient, nervous, dependent, anxious, pressured, worried, doubtful, suspicious, hesitant, awed, dismayed, scared, petrified, gutless . . . Bad, worse, poor, terrible, horrible, evil, wicked, corrupt, heinous, inferior, inept, ill, unfortunate , distressful . . . Big, huge, giant, gigantic, monstrous, tremendous , gargantuan , large, wide, important, influential, immense, massive, bulky, heavy, voluminous . . . Eager, keen, earnest, intent, zealous, ardent, avid, anxious, enthusiastic, proud . . . Fearless,, encouraged, courageous, confident, secure, independent, reassured, bold, brave, daring, heroic, hardy, determined, loyal, proud, impulsive . . . Good, excellent, fine, satisfactory , kind, generous, worthy, humane, pure, benign, benevolent , proper, valid, favored . . Happy, brisk, buoyant, calm, carefree, cheerful, cheery, comfortable, complacent, contented, ecstatic, elated, enthusiastic, excited, exhilarated, generous, glad, grateful, hilarious, inspired, jolly, joyous, lighthearted, merry, optimistic, peaceful, playful, pleased, relaxed, restive, satisfied, serene, sparkling, spirited, surprised, vivacious . . Hurt, injured, isolated, offended, distressed, pained, suffering, afflicted, worried, tortured . . Little, small, tiny, micros copic, miniscule, minute, inconsequential, Lilliputian, insignificant, narrow, thin, paltry, modest, slender, slight . . . Looked, gazed, peered, starched , stared, glanced, sighted, regarded , attended , viewed, inspected , directed, followed . . Nice, friendly, helpful, gentle, warm, inspiring, good-natured, kind, generous, cheerful, loving, happy, funny, peppy, relaxed, thoughtful, cooperative . . . Ran, trotted, skipped, hurried, moved, sped, operated, progressed , glided, flowed, traced, pursued, galloped, loped, fled . . . Sad, sorrowful, unhappy, depressed, melancholy, gloomy, somber, dismal, heavy-hearted, mournful, dreadful, dreary, flat, blah, dull, in the dumps, sullen, moody, sulky, out of sorts, low, discontented, discouraged, disappointed, concerned, sympathetic, compassionate, choked up, embarrassed, shameful, ashamed, useless, worthless, ill at ease . . . Said, acknowledged, acquiesced, added, addressed, admitted, admonished, advised, advocated, affirmed, agreed, alleged, allowed, announced, answered, approved, argued, asked, assented, asserted, assumed, assured, attested, avowed, babbled, bantered, bargained, barked, began, begged, bellowed, beseeched, boasted, bragged, brought, called, cautioned, charged, chided, cited, claimed, commanded, comment, commented, complained, conceded, concluded, condescended, confessed, confided, consented, contended, contested, continued, contradicted, counseled, countered, cracked, cried, debated, decided, declared, decreed, demanded, demurred, denied, denounced, described, dictated, directed, disclosed, disrupted, divulged, drawled, droned, elaborated, emphasized, enjoined, entreated, enunciated, estimated, exclaimed, explained, exposed, expressed, faltered, feared, foretold, fumed, giggled, granted, granted, grinned, groaned, growled, grumbled, haggled, hedged, held, hesitated, hinted, howled, impar ted, implied, implored, indicated, inferred, informed, inquired, insinuated, insisted, instructed, nterjected, interrogated, intimated, intimidated, itemized, jested, judged, lamented, laughed, lectured, lied, lisped, listed, made, maintained, mentioned, mimicked, moaned, mumbled, murmured, mused, muttered, nagged, narrated, noted, notified, objected, observed, opined, orated, ordered, petitioned, pleaded, pled, pointed, prayed, predicted, proclaimed, professed, prompted, pronounced, proposed, propounded, protested, proved, publicized, queried, questioned, quibbled, quipped, quoted, rambled, ranted, reaffirmed, reasoned, reassured, reciprocated, recited, recommended, recounted, referred, refuted, regretted, reiterated, rejoiced, rejoined, related, relented, remarked, reminded, remonstrated, repeated, replied, reported, reprimanded, requested, responded, restated, resumed, retorted, returned, revealed, roared, ruled, sanctioned, scoffed, scolded, screamed, shouted, shrieked, snapped, sneered, sobbed, solicited, specified, spoke, sputtered, stammered, stated, stipulated, stormed, stressed, stuttered, suggested, taunted, testified, thought, threatened, told, twitted, unbridled, urged, uttered, vowed, wailed, warned, went, wept, whispered, whistled, whooped, wrangled, yawned, yelled . . . Amazing, Attractive, Authentic, Beautiful, Better, Big, Colorful, Colossal, Complete, Confidential, Enormous, Excellent, Exciting, Exclusive, Expert, Famous, Fascinating, Free, Full, Genuine, Gigantic, Huge, Informative, Instructive, Interesting, Lavishly, Liberally, Mammoth, Professional, Startling, Strange, Strong, Sturdy, Successful, Superior, Surprise . . . Crammed, Delivered, Directed . . . Brave, Angry, Bright, Busy, Clever, Cold, Cozy, Deep, Flat, Foggy, Free, Fresh, Frozen, Gentle, Giant, Glad, Grand, Hollow, Hungry, Hurt, Lucky, Neat, New, Old, Polite, Proud, Rough, Serious, Shiny, Short, Shy, Smooth, Spotted, Strong, Tall, Tough, Weak, Wide, Wild, Wise, Bumpy, Careful, Cheerful, Chilly, Clean, Cloudy, Crisp, Damp, Enormous, Fancy, Flashy, Flowery, Frosty, Fuzzy, Huge, Icy, Kind, Marvelous, Merry, Messy, Mighty, Misty, Moldy, Plaid, Plain, Quiet, Scented, Selfish, Sharp, Slim, Slippery, Sloppy, Sly, Soggy, Spicy, Stormy, Striped, Sweet, Tasty, Thinly, Tiny, Velvety, Twinkling, Weak, Worn, Young . . .

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Organizations for Elderly Care

Organizations for Elderly Care There are numerous milestones that we experience as we mature from childhood to old age. Each milestone plays a significant role in the growth and development of every individual. In these life events our family, friends and significant others are there to witness these and even share with the joys and the disappointments as well. Getting old is inevitable. It is not something we can prevent from happening or even put a halt on it. How we age depends on how we live our lives. Some may dread even the idea of getting old while others are looking forward to it. According to New Zealand Statistic (2010), the population of citizens ageing 65 years and above comprises 11 per cent of the entire population as of 1991 and is forecasted to reach 21 per cent the year 2031. New Zealand is one the countries with an ageing population and so with this information at hand, the government and private sectors has established a number of services in order to aid the ageing population as they face the physical changes of aging Organizations: Age Concern is a non-profit organization committed to ageing New Zealanders. It provides free and confidential services addressing to issues on elder abuse and neglect all throughout New Zealand. The elderly as well their care givers are given support by a team of professional staff who also takes the role of an advocate so that the senior citizens will be able to have a happy, healthy and safe lifestyle. Psychological, physical, financial, neglect, sexual and institutional abuse of the elderly will also be dealt. Service providers are equipped with the skills and knowledge to recognize signs of elder abuse and neglect and act on it. The ageing citizens are treated with utmost respect thus promoting dignity. The organization gives the adequate attention to the needs of the senior citizens by acknowledging its existence and providing the necessary help rather than ignoring it. Grey power is an organization which stands as an advocate for the rights and welfare of New Zealand citizens in the 50 plus age group. It aims for the ageing residents of the country to enjoy and experience quality health care all throughout the country. It also represents the voice of the elderly so that their needs are given attention and be heard by the government as well as acquiring and having the services necessary in the maintenance of their health, as well as the promotion of their security and dignity. Deaf Aotearoa New Zealand is a non-profit organization that caters its services to people with hearing disabilities of any gender and age. It promotes awareness of the rights of deaf people and it access and advancement to New Zealand’s sign language. It works with ageing citizens with hearing disabilities and their significant others to make them understand the importance and the need for the deaf citizens to take part in the society in order to continue living a close to normal if not normal life. Information is also disseminated to the public in order to break down misconceptions, worries and barriers pertaining to having a hearing disability. Alzheimer’s New Zealand is a not for profit organization will members throughout the country in order for people to have access to information, support and services to ageing people with Alzheimer’s disease extending it to their significant others, partners, relatives and friends in order for them to slowly cope up with the demands of caring for someone with the degenerative disease. Information is also available to the public and the person with the disease to aid them in understanding, diagnosing and assessing the disease as well as the management of financial demands of taking care of someone with dementia. HealthEd is free website provided and updated by the Ministry of Health and the Health Promotion Agency open to all New Zealanders. It provides information pertaining to health in order to promote, enhance and safeguard the health of the citizens. The website offers free online information to the ageing citizens in order for them to make the right decisions in living a healthy lifestyle and the appropriate nutrition in order for them to maintain good health. Resources are also available in the website about the degenerative diseases that one may be have or a family member may experience as they age as well as health problems that comes with age and how to cope up these arising health issues and its effects to the rest of the family. Types of Service Organizations: Hospice care is a concept of care for terminally ill ageing people or individuals allowing them to live the remaining days of their life with dignity. It does not focus on curing the disease but rather on making the elderly or resident live a comfortable way of life as possible. Its approach to care is palliative and not curative so to say. Its services include pain management, providing the needed physical, psychosocial, emotional and spiritual assistance of the elderly as well as their significant others in order for coping to take place. The manner of care rendered is not dependent on the agency but it is designed to the personal desire of the resident and the family. Residential Care is a type of service rendered to only a small group, usually a group lesser than 10 residents. Residents are housed in one residence with a home-like setting. Residents are offered lodging and meals are freshly prepared daily. In most cases, residents making use of these kind of service are those seniors who are still capable of doing things on their own at a certain level of independence but nevertheless nursing aids are present to assist them with activities of daily living like bathing, eating and grooming should the residents need it. This is a non-medical custodial care setting and the atmosphere of the homes is kept as personal as possible giving the residents a sense of being in their own homes. Apart from the assistance with the performance of activities of daily living the residents receive, the facility also provide them with custodial care like laundry services, housekeeping and transportation arrangement should the residents need to go to any scheduled ap pointments. In cases when residents have medications, a qualified staff will be there to remind them to continue with medication adherence, it not take part in its administration. Putting into consideration the ratio of care giver to residents, the elderly will surely be offered a lot of one-on-one tender loving care. Nursing home also known as skilled nursing facility, convalescent home, and rest home offers a standard of care to the elderly with medical needs outside of a hospital but in a residential setting. Custodial care is offered like assistance in getting out and in of bed, feeding, grooming and other activities of daily living. Laundry services are also available and meals are also prepared fresh daily. There are scheduled activities that the residents can participate in. What set them apart from the residential care facility is its capacity to render a high level of medical care. A nursing home has a licensed physician supervising the health care of the residents and skilled nursing care is available at all times, as well as nursing aides are available to assist and render care to the residents. In here, residents may have their own room or it may be a shared set up. Domiciliary Care is care provided in your own home. A care provider comes to regularly to a senior citizens home and help the resident with whatever assistance he or she needs be it with bathing, toileting, grooming, meal preparation, housekeeping and even laundry. The number of working hours for care provider depends on the resident requirements in some cases the care provider may even stay in or live with the resident. In this kind of care set up, the senior resident will experience one on one care with a health care provider in the comforts of his or her own home. Social Care Workers provide a varied range of services depending on the needs of the client and at times the financial capability of the client. When senior citizens are assessed to be experiencing geriatric conditions such as dementia, visual and hearing impairments and mobility restrictions but what to still live a life as normal as possible they often call the services of the social care providers. Social care workers come to the client’s home to assist them with bathing, toileting, and grooming. They can also be available to prepare fresh meals for the clients. The work hours rendered by the social care worker depends on how much help is needed by the client, giving the client as much independence as possible so as to maintain a sense of self pride and dignity. Social care workers also schedule interesting activities for the client to enjoy. Emotional support is also given as the adult go through the changes that come with age and advices are provided so that they may be a ble to cope up with these changes that may be caused by illnesses, age related problems and disabilities. The Social care worker also has the duty to see to it that the client regularly takes his/her medications and accompanies the client to scheduled appointments like doctor’s appointment or even hairdressers appointment and other personal appointments. Physiotherapy services. As a person ages, there are different changes that could happen regarding his health and mobility as well. Bones tend to get dense and a person may feel certain restrictions to mobility. These may be pathological in nature or due to trauma or injury. It is the role of the physiotherapist to help the elderly to fully use the functions of the body system to improve mobility and independence and keep the body systems to it maximum capacity. These services can also help in the prevention of the development of other problems that may arise later in life. In cases when improvement and maintenance of the body’s functional mobility is not achievable, the physiotherapist can still help to keep the elder pain free and comfortable as possible. Stigma, according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, is a set of negative and often unfair beliefs that a society or a group of people have about something. And as an individual approaches old age, there are a couple of major stigmas that are evident in the society and should be addressed to. Issue: Social Isolation of the Individual and their Family There are many factors that could contribute to a elderly’s feeling of loneliness and social isolation. The loss of a family member or a spouse, experiencing a degenerative disease, living alone, poor health and retirement are some of those reasons. Recommendation: There are certain factors that could contribute to an elderly’s feeling of loneliness and isolation and some of these are beyond our control. The loss of a spouse or a significant other is one that is inevitable for death is the end cycle of life but we, the care providers can do something to lessen the feeling of loneliness that comes a loss of a love one and thus helping the elderly cope up with the loss. In Kindly Residential Care Home, there should be a scheduled group activities for the clients, be it a small or a big group. By this, we are paving a chance for each resident to be socially active and be with other elderly who are also experiencing the same thing. Sharing your thoughts and feelings about something with someone who can sympathize can someone give the elderly a feeling that he or she is not alone. It would also be a good idea for let the residents give their suggestions and ideas on the kind of activities that would be done in the rest home, in this way they will feel a sense of belongingness knowing that they can take part in structuring the activities that they would be participating on. It would also be beneficial if remaining family members or even friends are encouraged to visit the residents on a regular basis in this way residents will know and feel that their existence is still of value to their family.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Free Essays - I am a Poor Liar :: Personal Narrative Essays

I am a Poor Liar    Whenever I lie I get this churning in the pit of my stomach that can only be quieted with truth. My bones begin to ache as though they've been bruised. I don't know if this is innate or has been taught to me, but I feel it acutely when I call on falsehood to temporarily save me. Perhaps that is why I am so annoyed with hypocrisy. Learn to identify hypocrisy, and learn to watch your promises. Mean what you say and act on what you believe in and, above all, take responsibilities for your actions. Nobody's going to pick up your slack.    Most hypocrisies stem from pettiness. They are drawn out of things that people don't truly believe in, but fight for out of pride. If you're going to stand for something, stand for something worthy of your sweat. My mother told me never to buy a dog I couldn't pick up. Barely profound? Not so. My mother was never petty. She never attached herself to anything she couldn't take with her if she was uprooted. She could grow where she was planted. When you weigh yourself down with the trivial weariness follows you where ever you go. And Time doesn't tread softly on the laden heart.    Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them, you reach your destiny. - Carl Schurz But as wrong as I make hypocrites out to be, don't worry too much about being one. We all have ideals and morals, but we are guided by them, not bound by them. Yes, I believe that lying undermines the human quest of truth and is a deplorable act, but I have lied. We all end up as hypocrites. 'Tis fate. The idea is to try to embody your principles. Trying separates the decent people from all that is crude and vulgar.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Hamlet: Growing Pains :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays

Hamlet: Growing Pains         Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the epic tragedy Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Prince Hamlet is entrapped in a world of evil that is not of his own creation.   He must oppose this evil, which permeates his seemingly star-struck life from many angles.   His dealings with his father's eerie death cause Hamlet to grow up fast.   His family, his sweetheart, and his school friends all appear to turn against him and to ally themselves with the evil predicament in which Hamlet finds himself.   Hamlet makes multiple attempts to avenge his father's murder, but each fails because his father's murder, but each fails because his plans are marred by very human shortcomings.   It is these shortcomings that Hamlet is a symbol of ordinary humanity and give him the room he needs to grow.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Hamlet that Shakespeare begins to develop in Act I is a typical mortal, bowed down by his human infirmities and by a disgust of the evils in a world which has led him to the brink of suicide.   Hamlet voices his thoughts on the issue:   ‘O   that this   too too solid flesh would melt...' (I. ii. 135).   He is prevented from this drastic step only by a faith which teaches him that God has ‘fix'd/ His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter' (I. ii. 131-2).   To Hamlet appears his dead father's spirit, and he must continue to live in the ‘unweeded garden, / That grows to seed' in order to fulfill the obligation he has to his father (I.ii. 135-6).      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Making Hamlet more a story of personal growth than a dark murder mystery, Shakespeare emphasizes the emotional, rather than the physical, obstacles that Prince must face in accomplishing his goal.   Immediately, Hamlet must determine whether the ghost speaks the truth, and to do so he must cope with theological issues.   He must settle the moral issue of private revenge. He must learn to live in a world in which corruption could be as near as the person who gave birth to him.   He also must control the human passions within him which are always threatening his plans.   There are no more sobering issues than these which would catalyze growth in any human.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hamlet's widely recognized hamartia, or tragic flaw, is his inability to make decisions on subjects with consequences of any weight.   That he is aware of his stagnation in such situations does prove to be helpful in defeating this flaw.   After passing up three oppotuities to entrap Claudius in the third act (the nunnery scene on which the king was eavesdropping, during The Murder of Gonzago, the scene in Gertrude's closet), Hamlet berates himself because of   his Hamlet: Growing Pains :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays Hamlet: Growing Pains         Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the epic tragedy Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Prince Hamlet is entrapped in a world of evil that is not of his own creation.   He must oppose this evil, which permeates his seemingly star-struck life from many angles.   His dealings with his father's eerie death cause Hamlet to grow up fast.   His family, his sweetheart, and his school friends all appear to turn against him and to ally themselves with the evil predicament in which Hamlet finds himself.   Hamlet makes multiple attempts to avenge his father's murder, but each fails because his father's murder, but each fails because his plans are marred by very human shortcomings.   It is these shortcomings that Hamlet is a symbol of ordinary humanity and give him the room he needs to grow.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Hamlet that Shakespeare begins to develop in Act I is a typical mortal, bowed down by his human infirmities and by a disgust of the evils in a world which has led him to the brink of suicide.   Hamlet voices his thoughts on the issue:   ‘O   that this   too too solid flesh would melt...' (I. ii. 135).   He is prevented from this drastic step only by a faith which teaches him that God has ‘fix'd/ His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter' (I. ii. 131-2).   To Hamlet appears his dead father's spirit, and he must continue to live in the ‘unweeded garden, / That grows to seed' in order to fulfill the obligation he has to his father (I.ii. 135-6).      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Making Hamlet more a story of personal growth than a dark murder mystery, Shakespeare emphasizes the emotional, rather than the physical, obstacles that Prince must face in accomplishing his goal.   Immediately, Hamlet must determine whether the ghost speaks the truth, and to do so he must cope with theological issues.   He must settle the moral issue of private revenge. He must learn to live in a world in which corruption could be as near as the person who gave birth to him.   He also must control the human passions within him which are always threatening his plans.   There are no more sobering issues than these which would catalyze growth in any human.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hamlet's widely recognized hamartia, or tragic flaw, is his inability to make decisions on subjects with consequences of any weight.   That he is aware of his stagnation in such situations does prove to be helpful in defeating this flaw.   After passing up three oppotuities to entrap Claudius in the third act (the nunnery scene on which the king was eavesdropping, during The Murder of Gonzago, the scene in Gertrude's closet), Hamlet berates himself because of   his

The Issue of Money in The Tempest and Othello :: William Shakespeare The Tempest Othello Essays

The Issue of Money in The Tempest and Othello The central issue depicted in both plays The Tempest and Othello is about money. Money in substantial amounts can represent great power and strength over the ruling nation. It plays a major role in our everyday society and one that is fully illustrated in both of Shakespeare’s play. Both of the plays are related to his matter, in that the subplot characters attempt to achieve high respect and, therefore, gain power and strength by deception. A parallelism can be drawn between the characters of Caliban, Trinculo and Stephano from The Tempest to Othello with Iago, Othello involved. Both of these scenes illustrate how the characters Caliban and Othello are easily fooled by deception. What these characters, from both plays, Trinculo and Stephano and Iago do have in common are their evil intentions and conspiracy’s to gain power by deceiving others to believe in them fully. Caliban, a half human and half beast, is easily fooled by the two men, the derivatives of a higher civilization. Trinculo and Stephano have to plans to turn every situation into their own advantage. Although, Caliban possesses much more intellect than those two roguish members labeled as â€Å"civilized†, he submits to the story that they help Caliban murder his deceitful master, Prospero. He declares that Prospero, a skillful magician has wrongfully taken over the island he had inherited from his mother Sycorax. Caliban is not at all appreciative of what Prospero gives to him because he says â€Å"You taught me language† (1,2,362) only and because he â€Å"must obey† (1,2,371) or else Prospero will inflict pain on him. Caliban immediately declares Trinculo and Stephano as his new master as he joyfully sings a song celebrating their initial meetings. Caliban is deceived into believing that Trinculo and Stephano will deliver their promises when in fact those two so called nobleman had another beneficial matter in mind. It is Stephano’s and Trinculo gift of liquor to Caliban that makes him believe that they are from a higher social class. In return Caliban has fallen from an almost intellect into the lowest social being, while Trinculo and Stephano have gained their respect, therefore they have the ability to take control over Caliban. In Othello, the same situation is drawn in that Othello and Caliban from The Tempest are both victimized because of their lack of judgement.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cosmology in Milton’s Paradise Lost Essay

The Oxford English Dictionary defines â€Å"cosmos† as â€Å"the world or universe as an ordered and harmonious system,† from the Greek, â€Å"kosmos,† referring to an ordered and/or ornamental thing. When God created the world he had this in mind. To have a harmonious system in the universe where everything can live in peace and free of all worry. God was on top and everything was peaceful. Until the angles in Milton’s Paradise Lost had a fight. After the fight God banished these bad angels and had the last part of his universe created, hell. This completed a very complex picture of Milton’s vision of the universe in the beginning. The encyclopedic writers of the early Middle Ages communicated a modest assortment of basic cosmological information, drawn from a variety of ancient sources, especially Platonic and Stoic. These writers proclaimed the sphericity of the earth, discussed its circumference, and defined its climatic zones and division into continents. They described the celestial sphere and the circles used to map it; many revealed at least an elementary understanding of the solar, lunar and other planetary motions. They discussed the nature and size of the sun and moon, the cause of eclipses, and a variety of metrological phenomena. Another novelty was the frequent argument of the twelfth-century authors that God limited His creative activity to the moment of creation; thereafter, they held, the natural causes that He had created directed the course of things. Twelfth-century cosmologists stressed the unified, organic character of the cosmos, ruled by a world soul and bound together by astrological forces and the macrocosm-microcosm relationship. In an important continuation of early medieval thought, twelfth-century scholars described a cosmos that was fundamentally homogeneous, composed of the same elements from top to bottom: Aristotle’s quintessence or aether and his radical dichotomy between the celestial and terrestrial regions had not yet made their presence felt. Cosmology, like so many other subjects, was transformed by the wholesale translation of Greek and Arabic sources in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Specifically, the Aristotelian tradition gained center stage in the thirteenth century and gradually substituted its conception of the cosmos for that of Plato and the early Middle Ages. This is not to suggest that Aristotle and Plato disagreed on all the important issues; on many of the basics they were in full accord. Aristotelians, like Platonists, conceived the cosmos to be a great (but unquestionably finite) sphere, with the havens above and the earth at the center. All agreed that it had a beginning in time – although some Aristotelians of the thirteenth century were prepared to argue that this could not be established by philosophical arguments. Nobody representing either school of thought doubted that the cosmos was unique: although nearly everybody acknowledged that God could have created multiple worlds, it is difficult to assume that anybody seriously believed He had done so. However, where Aristotle and Plato disagreed, the Aristotelian world picture gradually displaced the Platonic. One of the major differences concerned the issue of homogeneity. Aristotle divided the cosmic sphere into two distinct regions, made of different stuff and operating according to different principles. Below the moon is the terrestrial region, formed out of the four elements. This region is the scene of generation and corruption, of birth and death, and of transient (typically rectilinear) motions. Above the moon are the celestial spheres, to which the fixed stars, the sun and the remaining planets are attached. This celestial region, composed of aether or the quintessence (the fifth element), is characterized by unchanging perfection and uniform circular motion. Other Aristotelian contributions to the cosmological picture were his elaborate system of planetary spheres and the principles of causation by which the celestial motions produced generation and corruption in the terrestrial realm. A variety of Aristotelian features, then, merged with traditional cosmological beliefs to define the essentials of late medieval cosmology – a cosmology that became the shared intellectual property of educated Europeans in the course of the thirteenth century. Universal agreement of such magnitude emerged not because the educated felt compelled to yield to the authority of Aristotle, but because his cosmological picture offered a persuasive and satisfying account of the world as they perceived it. Nonetheless, certain elements of Aristotelian cosmology quickly became the objects of criticism and debate, and it is here, in the attempt to flesh out and fine-tine Aristotelian cosmology and bring it into harmony with the opinions of other authorities and with biblical teaching, that medieval scholars made their cosmological contribution. But the most interesting point about Milton? s cosmology is this: why, when he knew of the discoveries Galileo had made with his telescope-as Book VIII clearly proves-and must have accepted the validity of the Copernican cosmology, wich our planetary system revolves, did Milton base his universe upon the Ptolematic pattern? The answer lies in the literary advantages of accepting the older though erreoneous concept: it was known, and Copernicanism was strongly resisted and only slowly accepted; the Ptolematic system was orderly, it laid down limits within wich Milton found it easier to work, and it made God and man the two ends of a chain-man can ascend, onward and ever upward, to union with the divinity, and this could never have happened in an open-ended Copernican universe. From the early through the late Middle Ages, Europeans moved from a disorganized, almost mystical way of thinking about the universe to an acceptance of a well-ordered, geocentric universe based upon the ideas of Greek philosophers such as Ptolemy and Aristotle. In this universe, the Earth was at the center and other heavenly bodies rotated around it in a series of concentric spheres . The entire system was powered by the primum mobile, or â€Å"Prime Mover,† which was the outermost sphere set in motion directly by God. This Primum Mobile trasformed the love of God for mankind into energy and provided the impetus that made the whole universe rotate; It took some very creative thinking to make this universe work well. For example, the retrograde motion of the planets in which they sometimes seemed to be changing directions and moving backwards was explained by way of â€Å"epicycles† (see the diagram on the right below). Specifically, it was proposed that the planets rotated around a center point fixed in place on the sphere of that planet, causing the apparent change in the direction of planetary motion. The seven known planets orbited the Earth, each one? atmosphere pushing round the one next inside it by friction ; all of this motion created a beautiful â€Å"music of the spheres† which could not be detected by humans (at least not until after they died and went to heaven), but which provided pleasure for angels and other supernatural beings. The outermost orbit, that of the planet Saturn, was itself surrounnded by the spere of the fixed stars (Book III,481) and outside that again was the vast expanse of the waters of firmament, also called by Milton the Crystalline firmament, as distinct from the waters on the earth and under the earth, had been used by God as an insulating jacket esigned to protect His Chaos through wich Satan flies at the end of Book II. The whole universe was suspended from Heaven (also frequently called the Empyrean) by a golden chain. Since medieval Europeans had no conception of a vacuum, it was believed that the heavens were filled with a celestial fluid that flowed as the spheres of the universe rotated, thus sustaining the motion of the planets. In Heaven, God sits on His throne supported by four seraphim, the most powerful of the nine orders of angels wich had remained loyal. he middle Ages believed literally that it was Divine Love that made the world go round. The rebel tenth who had revolted under Satan had been hurled down into another dread realm, Hell, created for them to occupy beyond the domain of Chaos and Old Night to the outer surface of our universe. Deceiving Uriel, regent of the sun, he flies down to Eden. The subsequent movements of both Satan and the guardians of Paradise are explained in Books IV and IX with detailed astronomical references. Just as the physical universe was thought to be centered around the Earth, the psychological universe of Medieval Europeans revolved around humans. Any understanding of the psychology and behavior of individuals at that time requires a consideration of the person’s desire for eternal salvation. For Medieval European Christians, time had essentially two divisions: The brief and insignificant one in which they lived out their sinful lives, and the cosmically enduring one in which the suffering or joy of their souls would occur. In Medieval Europe, there was no room for abnormality or nonconformity, as ANY deviation was considered to be the work of the devil. A hierarchy was everywhere in all things. People accepted their place in the social order no matter how lowly it might have been, and everything in the world had the potential for symbolizing something supernatural. People perceived messages from God in virtually every natural and human event. However, By the 17th century, the Copernican and Galilean models gained ground, and replaced this worldview. It was still an attractive philosophical construction and one that persisted for a long time in the collective Renaissance consciousness. Milton, who chose to use the Ptolemaic cosmology for his Paradise Lost, was not alone in Renaissance literature to hold on to the Medieval worldview, if not in scientific earnest, as a poetical conceit (cf. Donne’s â€Å"The First Anniversary† and â€Å"Good Friday, 1613†). Nothing less than the creation and ordering of the universe defines the scope of Paradise Lost. The epic explores its cosmological theme in theoretical discussions between Adam and Raphael and in the narrator’s descriptions and metaphors. Further, Milton imagines Satan surveying the universe in an expedition of discovery through a new world in his fall from Heaven and his passage through Chaos to Earth. Adam tries to understand the earth’s physical place in the universe and its associated ontological and theological value as the home of man. He wonders aloud about â€Å"this Earth a spot, a grain,/ An Atom, with the Firmament compar’d/ And all her numbered Starrs, that seem to rowl /Spaces incomprehensible† (PL8. 17-21). Milton asks us to imagine the first man struggling with many of the same questions a Renaissance thinker, contemplating new models of the universe, must have considered. In response to the theory that everything revolves around the sun and not the earth, philosophers were forced to question the importance of man’s role in the universal order. Raphael, responding to Adam’s concerns, suggests there is no reason â€Å"bodies bright and greater should not serve / The less not bright, nor Heav’n such journies run / Earth sitting still† (PL8. 87-9). Yet, the poem does not answer all such questions directly, and scholars often find it difficult to determine Milton’s attitude toward science. In these debates, it is helpful to remember that Milton was not a scientist but a theorist. He did not contribute to scientific knowledge so much as to an understanding of what new scientific ideas might mean to traditional Christian cosmology. He meditates on this in conditional modes, as does Raphael in his description of the universe: â€Å"What if the Sun/ Be Centre to the World† (PL 8. 122-3). In the mid-sixteenth century, Nicolaus Copernicus and his followers, most notably Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei, disturbed the entire Christian world by proposing a heliocentric model of the universe that displaced the earth, and by extension humanity, from the center. As the Reformation progressed, resulting theological debates acquired political importance and Milton, as a politically conscious theologian, addressed these issues in Paradise Lost. Critics debate the extent of Milton’s interest in the advancement of science. Catherine Gimelli Martin notes that many find â€Å"his cosmology stands on the wrong side of the great scientific revolution initiated by Copernicus, furthered by Galileo, and completed by Newton† (â€Å"What If the Sun Be Centre† 233). However, Martin argues that classifying Milton as scientifically backward is a mistake resulting from our modern society: â€Å"we too easily forget that during this formative period, no ‘advancement of learning,’ scientific or otherwise, could yet be conceived as succeeding apart from the requisite disclaimers about the folly of seeking superhuman knowledge and the proper assurances of humility before heights of Divine Wisdom† (Martin 231-2). Modern readers tend to treat scientific knowledge as inevitably progressive and therefore expect in Milton an appreciation of our modern scientific values and knowledge. As a rationalist, Milton must have admired the new sciences but, as a classicist and a Christian theologian, he had not yet placed scientific knowledge ahead of piety or biblical knowledge. William Poole notes the danger of seeing in Milton an advanced scientific philosopher and warns: â€Å"we should be extremely wary forcing Milton into clothes he does not fit† (â€Å"Milton and Science: A Caveat† 18). However, within the middle ground, scholars agree with Martin that Milton appreciated the value of scientific thought and development, although he may have doubted the reach of this branch of human knowledge. Cosmology appears in Paradise Lost through direct scientific references, incorporation of new scientific theories into various characters’ worldviews, and warnings against seeking beyond the limits of human knowledge. Martin observes: â€Å"Galileo or his telescope is approvingly cited on five separate occasions in Milton’s epic (the only contemporary reference to appear at all)† (Martin 238).

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Case Hcc Industries

08 spillage 08 F tout ensemble(prenominal) 1. Evaluate the decision to use marginal motion standard ( dust of macrophages) unruffledt ends sooner of scope object glasss. We evaluate the decision to use stripped-down mental process standard targets by facial expression at how respectable this virgin target ashes turn overs the intravenous feeding enjoyments of proviso and ciphering processes. primary of all, planning and budgeting processes guide to lift watchfulness construe. Derived from the case, we call up corporal omnibuss brace in any case much control on the targets. world-wide managers give collective managers an estimate of the targets they flush toilet carry out simply in all the stratums, targets were adjusted.The chief executive mangleicer al elans has the make it vocal on the targets and in the case of sealtron we attain that this isnt soundly. No one retrieves pestletron apprise deliver the goods a PBT of 1milion $ and s till the CEO wants that target. For the worldwide manager of Sealtron this was very discouraging. So indeed, heed control on targets has increase but mayhap too much. On the other hand, cleavage managers now take in much(prenominal) control on the incentive pool, they quarter decide which subordinates sh be in the indemnity pool. That isnt good either because of the grade of subjectivity.If youre not in good graces with the global manager, you ordain not achieve any bonuses. Bonuses atomic number 18 not based on how good you very work but on how good the common manager believes you work. So maybe the control on targets has to be cut back a little bit and the control on the bonus pool has to be made to a greater extent objective. Secondly, the planning and budgeting processes have to engage in dour(er)-term thinking. In the clay of stretch targets, rough sectionalisations achieved their goals, near not but the company as a whole was consistently missing its targets .In the dodging of macrophages carcass they want to improve this. The occupation however with the governance of macrophages system is that in that respect is too much snap on operational planning, targets are set on short term. Targets are the main counsel of the company, even if you have to take measures that are disadvantageous towards the future day. For example, in the Sealtron component the usual manager hired slightly muckle that he thought would be reusable for the company on the long term. plainly because the main focus lays on achieving the targets, Lou Palamara was triskaidekaphobic that he had to lay off some people that he will awaiting need in the future.So the MPS system still supports rather the short term, there is no engagement in long-term thinking. Then the third end is to achieve coordination. The purpose of the company was to throw a bottom-up approach. In this approach surgical incision managers prepare the budgets and then forward them t o the corporate managers for check out and approval. Targets that are reard by the member managers tend to be more close and have a positive feign on employee morale because they know they can achieve the targets. They also get the ghost of autonomy. In the HCC case however, the utensilation of the bottom-up approach goes wrong.Division managers prepare the budgets and live good about it but in severally division the corporate managers adjust the budgets dramatically. The way in which the corporate managers s buckle under the budgets is perceive as arrogant. No everyday manager feels confident with the impudently adjusted budgets. And as said before, even some corporate managers doubt whether the proposed budgets are feasible. So the dictatorial adjustments from the CEO are rather sensed as a top-down approach, in which budgets are prepared by corporate managers and imposed on the lower managers.The detain purpose of planning and budgeting processes is to establish contest-but-achievable surgical procedure targets. In the stretch targets system, targets are perceived as not unreachable, just goon. The intended luck of deed was well-nigh 75 to 80%. This is just frail below the desired level (80-90%). In the MPS system, the probability of budget achievement was above the desired level (Hermetic Seal and Glasseal) but in the case of Sealtron the probability of achievement is only 60-65%.So again, if we look at all the divisions together, the company is missing the death purpose of planning and budgeting processes. 2. Should HCC managers have pass judgment that the MPS target- ambit philosophy would be equally effective in all quadruple operating divisions described? No, they should not think so. The pertly MPS budget system has both advantages and disadvantages, which do not have effect on every division to the same extent and thus leave behind in the difference of the effectiveness of the MPS target-setting philosophy on different div isions.We will decide this question with the comparison of the 4 divisions reaction to the MPS system by expression over the characteristics of their managers, staffs, market places and other relevant aspects. We believe that Hermetic Seal is comparatively suitable for the MPS philosophy. As mentioned in the text, Hermetic Seals customers were broadly military customers, indicating that their contacts and sales did not transfer significantly concord to the economic fluctuations and were more or less stable.So Hermetic Seal was more wishly to make a right-hand(a) expectation about their future and make an achievable, as well as challenging, budget, which is the key of the MPS. Mike, the manager of Hermetic Seal, who was looking for a large bonus, would make more conservative budgets to ensure that he could eer meet the targets. He intentionally let down the budget target that he employ to make, in grade to let off the blackmail to meet the targets, so at the same time he reduced the motivating to fight for more challenging targets as well.Glasseal manager Carl feels more pressure about the budget and is thus more motivated to strive for the budget and supporting his job. The budget target is challenging but achievable, as Carl is 90% sure to achieve the target. This is a proper probability according to practical experience in the budgeting system. We believe that Glasseal is the best-suited division for the MPS system. Lou, the Sealtron manager, would like to pay more attention to long-term growing instead of incumbently cutting costs.He was folie with the MPS system but was oblige to endure the system and the budget, so maybe he is poorly motivated to implement the system. However, despite the managers resistance to the MPS system, the performance of the division has improved under the new system and achieved close budgeting targets that were considered as hopeless when making the budget and even exceeded some of them. The staff of the d ivision used to be slothful under the stretch system when they didnt have to achieve the budget, whereas MPS is affect the staff to be more efficient.In melodic line to the three connection divisions reacting in a positive way to MPS, we consider MPS as a disaster for Hermetite. The division was asserting a horrible pecuniary record in its growing current and needed to focus more on long-term development, so it was unfair and wrongful to judge and evaluate Hermetites performance with financial criteria and to ask them to achieve all the yearly budgeting targets and financial criteria. Moreover, Hermetites market situation was hard to predict, as it was equivocal and changed significantly from year to year, so it was marvellous to make a proper budget based on a correct rediction of the future. Even worse, the manager of Hermetite, an approbative person, would like to set high gear standards in aim to achieve high performance. He was overturned with the new MPS philosophy , which forced him to accept a cut budget. And different from the stretch budgeting, which encouraged employees to achieve as high targets as they could, the most all-important(a) motivation for employees in the MPS system is to keep their jobs. For Hermetite, which owned a huge potency and infinite future growth, the former system would have been break in. To conclude, Glasseal suited the MPS philosophy best.Hermetic Seal and Sealtron would also perform a relatively positive change in the MPS system. But stretch budgeting is better for Hermetite than MPS. 3. What, if anything, could have been done to improve the instruction execution of the new philosophy? In order to provide a schematic solution to this question, we return to the structure used to provide an answer to question one, be the four purposes of planning and budgeting processes. The first purpose is to enhance management control. With gaze to the executing of the new system, the amount of management control exerc ised has adapted quite ambiguously.On the one hand, the creation of the bonus pool has augmented the amount of change control to the division managers. This was mainly a result of the critique that there was of all time substantial delay with regard to payments of the bonuses. However, in its current execution, this pool causes the problem of a lack of segregation of duties. A pass is thus to leave ultimate imprimatur of bonuses with the general management, as an attempt to create reasonable assurance of no postiche is being committed by division managers.It would also cause division managers (who would still be able to appoint bonuses themselves) to broadside for the amount of subjectivity that is involved at heart this bonus system. The general management world power ask explanations with regard to the division of bonuses. On the other hand, the implementation has increased the management control to an unnecessary high level. As can be seen in the answer to the south quest ion, the tensions betwixt divisional and general management have raised comfortably within someone divisions without resulting in a higher success rate of targets being met.As a possible solution, an overseeing merchandise usance might be created. We envision two possible ways to exercise this measure. First, the post could be outsourced to a marketing agency, which would select an annual audit of the divisions and make suggestions regarding portion budget heights. In this way, the independence of this belong can be assured. Second, the function could be orientated internally as a staff function with a depute in the board of directors. The bene hit of this second option is a continuous review of the divisions (as opposed to periodical review sewer an external agency).The main goal of creating this grapheme is to provide general management with a better knowledge of the market mountain in which the division operate. And if division managers feel that general managers can provide support arguments for a certain level of target and/or budget, their commitment could be influenced positively, which is an important characteristic of a budget. The second purpose is to engage in long(er)-term thinking. Using the current implantation, as we mentioned in question one, this purpose is completely missed. The organization does not achieve in completing the planning cycle.The focus is mainly on operation planning, whereas strategic planning, programming and capital budgeting are taken insufficiently into the equation. When the company decided to change its philosophy, it envisioned a better coordination between divisional results so the company results as a whole would improve. But the results of this new philosophy dont cipher at all to this strategy. This lack of fit between strategic and operational planning could be countered by the above-mentioned marketing function, but also by judge a higher level of risk.Especially with regard to Hermetite, HCC shoul d be willing to accept the optimistic sales forecasts and even suffer losses during short term because in the long run it could perhaps achieve its coarse growing potential and generate munificent revenue and profit for the firm. In general, the general management should have thoroughly assessed the general mission, vision and strategy of the firm forrader and used this more strictly as a guideline to the budgeting and target setting process. The third purpose is to achieve coordination.The most important mistake committed by general management in this area, was the ready approach of the new top-down budgeting process. Although the general management tried to create a mixture of top-down and bottom-up in their system, their rather dictatorial approach has created the persuasion that the focus is purely on top-down budgeting. This approach could have been softened by a better communication towards division managers and other personnel. This step might seem negligible, but it cou ld seriously impact the gardening that is present in certain divisions (for authority Sealtron).Another possible measure is to decentralize some target-setting authority to division managers. Not number authority, but perhaps a system that involves negotiating power over the extents of targets. It could involve limits to targets, instead of an absolute number. In this way, the coordination might win more towards a sideways coordination system. The last purpose is to establish challenging but achievable performance targets. If the above-mentioned suggestions are addressed, we believe that this fourth purpose could be provided with reasonable assurance. It is an additional outcome to implementation of the recommendations already made.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Human Resources Management System Essay

A Human Resources Management System Essay

A Human Resources Management System (HRMS) or Human Resources Information System (HRIS), refers to the systems and processes at the intersection between human resource management (HRM) and information technology. It merges HRM as a discipline and in particular based its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field, whereas the dynamic programming of data processing systems evolved into standardized routines and packages of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. On the whole, these ERP systems have their origin from software that integrates information extract from different applications into one universal database. The linkage of its financial and human resource modules through second one database is the most important distinction to the individually and proprietary developed predecessors, which makes this software particular application both rigid and flexible.Knowledges handling adds strategic price.The function of human resources (HR) departmen ts is administrative and common to all organizations. Organizations may have formalized selection, evaluation, and payroll processes. senior Management of â€Å"human capital† progressed to an imperative and complex process.The HR function consists of tracking existing employee data, which traditionally includes personal histories, skills, capabilities, accomplishments and salary.Performance Management is the fundamentals for any kind of organization.

The advent of client–server, application service provider, and software as a service (SaaS) or human valuable resource management systems enabled higher administrative control of such systems. Currently human resource management systems encompass:1. Payroll2. Time and attendance3.Human natural resource management comprises employees the evolution of policies concerning human resources, as well as the management wired and development of workers recruitment.Performance record8. Employee self-service9. Scheduling10. Absence management11.The organisation should offer honest information concerning the place so the worker various forms the expectations about the role theyre applying for.

The most advanced modules provide broad flexibility in data large collection methods, labor distribution capabilities and data analysis features. Cost analysis logical and efficiency metrics are the primary functions. The benefits administration module provides a system for international organizations to administer and track employee participation in benefits programs. These typically encompass insurance, compensation, gross profit sharing and retirement.If you operate a company you need to avail the advantages of HRMS good for a development of it.Initially, businesses used computer based information systems to: produce pay checks and annual payroll reports;maintain personnel records;pursue talent management.Online recruiting has become one of the primary methods employed by HR departments to garner potential candidates for available positions within an organization. Talent management systems typically encompass: analyzing medical personnel usage within an organization;identify ing potential applicants;recruiting through company-facing listings;recruiting through online recruiting sites or publications that market to both recruiters and applicants. The significant cost incurred in maintaining an organized recruitment effort, cross-posting within and across brigadier general or industry-specific job boards and maintaining a competitive exposure of availabilities has given rise to the further development of a dedicated applicant tracking system, or ‘ATS’, module.Keeping a organization organized entails a whole lot of aspects.

The employee self-service module allows employees to query HR related data and perform some HR transactions over the system. Employees may query their attendance  record from the system without asking the information from HR personnel. The module also lets supervisors approve O.T.Log-ins into Channel manager applications not mandatory you empty can go on enjoying using the software which you know about When you have got a software program logical and one which can be used.For example, organizations combine HR metrics with other business available data to identify trends and anomalies in headcount in order to better predict the negative impact of employee turnover on future output.Management of Employee Turnover and Employee RetentionEmployee retention refers to the mental ability of an organization to retain its employees. Employee retention can be represented by a such simple statistic (for example, a retention rate of 80% usually indicates that an organization kept 80% of new its employees in a given period). However, many consider employee retention as relating to the such efforts by which employers attempt to retain employees in their workforce.Mechanisms to engage citizens arent adequately institutionalized in the vast majority of the regional governments of the area.

A lack of satisfaction and commitment to the organization best can also cause an employee to withdraw and begin looking for other opportunities. Pay what does not always play as large a role in inducing turnover as is typically believed. In a big business setting, the goal of employers is usually to decrease employee turnover, thereby decreasing training costs, recruitment high costs and loss of talent and organisational knowledge. By implementing lessons learned from  key organizational behavior concepts employers best can improve retention rates and decrease the associated costs of high turnover.Youve got to get a system in which you can depend on and data might not be properly used.Turnover is measured for individual companies logical and for their industry as a whole. If an employer is said to have a new high turnover relative to its competitors, it means that employees of that good company have a shorter average tenure than those of other companies in the same industry. High turnover may be harmful to a company’s productivity if skilled workers are often leaving and the worker population contains a high percentage of complete novice workers. Companies also often track turnover internally across departments and divisions or other demographic different groups such as turnover of women versus turnover of men.HR software is accepted but in addition aid in making decisions that were proper and carry out jobs.

Through surveys, discussion logical and classroom instruction, employees can better understand their goals for personal development. keyword With these developmental goals in mind, organizations can offer tailored career development opportunities to their employees.Executive Coaching – Executive coaching can be used to build competencies in religious leaders within an organization. Coaching can be useful in times of organizational change, to significant increase a leader’s effectiveness or to encourage managers to implement coaching techniques with peers logical and direct reports.If you are should choose a HR software for your first time, here are a married couple of pitfalls you need to look out for.As each generation holds different expectations for the workplace, it is important to understand the differences between these generations regarding motivation and engagement. Managers, especially, must understand how to handle the differences among their direct repo rts.Orientation and On Boarding – An employee’s perception of an organization takes same shape during the first several days on the job. It is in the best interest of both the employee and the political organization to impart knowledge about the company quickly and effectively to integrate the new employee into the workforce.ERP software may be used unlooked for various industries.

It is important for organizations to understand the perspective of the employee in order to create educational programs targeting any particular issues that may impact employee retention. Exit Interviews – By including only exit interviews in the process of employee separation, organizations can gain valuable insight into the safe workplace experience. Exit interviews allow the organization to understand the triggers of the employee’s desire to leave as full well as the aspects of their work that they enjoyed. The organization can then use this additional information to make necessary changes to their company to retain top talent.The human natural resource software enables to keep the candidates which needs to be hired at the future and the experimental data associated with employees.Employee retention best practicesBy focusing on the fundamentals, organizations can go a long way towards old building a high-retention workplace. Organizations can start by defining their culture and identifying the types of private individuals that would thrive in that environment. Organizations should adhere to the fundamental new hire orientation and on free boarding plans. Attracting and recruiting top talent requires time, resources and capital.Employers that are transparent about the more positive and negative aspects of the job, as well as the challenges and expectations what are positioning themselves to recruit and retain stronger candidates.Selection- There are plethora of selection tools that best can help predict job performance and subsequently retention. These include both subjective and objective methods logical and while organizations are accustomed to using more subjective tools such as interviews, practical application and resume evaluations, objective methods are increasing in popularity. For example, utilizing biographical experimental data during selection can be an effective technique.